Why Us
Our Services
New Factory Compliance
Factories Act Compliance
Labour Liaison & Renewal
MPCB Compliance Solutions
Monthly Payroll Compliance
Registration & License
Statutory Auditing Services
Staffing Outsourcing Services
Payroll Processing Outsourcing
Contract Labour Compliance
For Employees
For Employers
Labour Liaison & Renewal
A. The Building and other construction workers Act (BOCW)
Obtaining New Registration Certificate (RC) for Principal Employer/Factory/ Establishment for deploying construction Worker at Construction site under Contract Labour Act from Labour Commissioner.
Obtaining New BOCW License for Contractors from Labour Commissioner Renewal/Amendment/Surrender of BOCW License from time to time from Labour Commissioner.
Preparation & Maintaining of Various registers as provided under the BOCW act,
To Help in Preparation & maintenance to various Record Like Wage slip, Muster Roll as per BOCW Act.
Assistance to Ensuring Compliances of the provision of the BOCW act related to Disclosure, Notices, Displays, Deductions etc.
We are providing following Services in Compliances to the Provision of Payment of Wages Act 1936.
B. The Payment of Wages Act 1936
Providing Day to day consultancy for matters pertaining to Payment Wages.
Ensuring/Assisting in Complying with the provisions of the act related to disclosure, notices, displays, Fine, Deductions etc.
Maintain Various registers & records as provided under this act
Replying/satisfying show cause notice issued by the Inspector
Representing the Factory/Establishment before the Inspector
We are providing Following Services in Compliances to the Provision of Payment of Bonus act 1965.
C. The Payment of Bonus act 1965
Providing day to day Consultancy on matters pertaining to payment of Bonus.
Assistance to calculation of accurate amount of Bonus.
Assistance in treatment of available Surplus/Allocable Surplus like Set On/Set Off, Carry Forward.
Preparation & Submission of Annual Return as prescribe under the act to Labour Office (From No A, B, C, D)
We are providing following Services in Compliances to the Provision of Payment Gratuity Act 1972
D. The Payment Gratuity Act 1972
Obtaining Registration of Establishment with the controlling Authority
Assistance to Calculating the amount of Gratuity payable to Employees
Assistance to obtaining appropriate Gratuity Plan from Insurance Company for Meeting with the liability of the Employer towards payment of gratuity
Preparation & Submission of Nomination forms with the controlling authority
Assistance to Ensuring to various provision of the act related to Disclosures, Notices, Deductions, Forfeiture Etc (Like Notice of Opening, Declare Authorized person)
Representing Establishment before Inspector
E. The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017
We are providing Following Services in compliance to the Provision of Shop & Establishment Act.
Registration of establishment Shop & Establishment under this act.
Assistance of Establishment in Complying various provisions of the act related to working Hours, Minimum of wages, Leave applicable etc.
Preparation & maintenance of various records as Prescribed under this act.
Assistance of Establishment in complying various provisions of the act related Display, Notices, Disclosure.